by Philip Poloczek -

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**Senior Software Engineer

Parity Technologies - Smart Contracts, Runtime, SDK Development**

typescript, rust, substrate

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*Lead Full-Stack Web Developer*

Midas Capital - Isolated Money Markets on EVM Chains based on Compound Finance

Soldity, foundry, hardhat, Typescript, NextJs, React

Porting Rari’s Fuse Pools to BSC, Polygon & Moonbeam. While improving it using the new ERC4626 standard and the Flywheel Reward Distributor developed by Fei.

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*Lead Smart Contract Developer*

The Lost Glitches - Competitive Collectible Card Game on Ethereum / The Lost Glitches (OpenSea) / Deep Sky Network (OpenSea) / Lost Glitches Comic (OpenSea)

Soldity, hardhat, Typescript, serverless, React, Figma

Develop and adapt solidity contracts for ERC20, ERC721, ERC1155 token drops and sales. Sold out 10K PFP drop. Custom NFT staking contract to earn the TLG $LOST token. React Dapp with Serverless backenend to collect qualified airdrops via Signed Messages direclty from the deployed Contracts.



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*React-Native Developer*

Zapp App - Quick Commerce LTD / iOS / Android

Typescript, React-Native, MobX, Graphql, Firebase, GCP, Shopify, Saleor, Adyen, Twilio, Docker, Figma

Cross Platform Mobile App shopping app for the british/dutch market. Similar to GoPuff & Gorillas.


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